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Research shows that geniuses have a different mindset than non-geniuses. Here are 10 ways in which geniuses think. You can adopt these to cultivate a genius mindset. 



Geniuses teach themselves. They are autodidacts who prefer to figure out things independently rather than adhering to a set curriculum set to a rigid timeline. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elizabeth Holmes, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk dropped out of school to pursue their ventures outside the confines of academia.  Leonardo was critical of academic dogma, but his own library and taught himself latin at the age of 42 to gain a deeper knowledge of the classics.



Geniuses are polymaths. They love the arts and sciences. They do not see these as separate creative tracks. Rather, they engage in whole-brain thinking. 



Geniuses persist against skepticism and rejection and push through the psychic pain. They know that they are pushing against old systems and that they will meet resistance. But, they also know that they have something of value to contribute and that they are the only ones who can bring it to reality. 



Geniuses think differently. They look at problems from different perspectives. Leonardo da Vinci believed that to gain knowledge about the form of a problem, you had to restructure and look at it in different ways. The first way is bound to reflect the usual way of thinking so he would look at the problem again from a different perspective and then another and another to deepen his understanding. Einstein’s theory of relativity is an illustration of the interaction of different perspectives. 



Geniuses make novel connections. They seem to have a broader spectrum of knowledge available and therefore more pieces with which they can play. In addition, because they deconstruct problems and see them from different perspectives, they are able to make unusual combinations imperceptible to the non-genius mind. They are able to see connections between objects which seemingly appear to be different. They think in metaphors. Leonardo da Vinci , in fact, said, “Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”



Geniuses see opposites. Author of The Emerging Goddess: The Creative Process in Art, Science, and Other Fields, Dr. Albert Rothenberg noted that Einstein, Mozart, Edison, Pasteur, Conrad, and Picasso practiced this ability. Physicist Niels Bohr believed that holding opposites together allowed you to suspend your thought allowing your mind to move to a new level where new points of view can emerge. 



Geniuses record their observations in different forms, written, visually. Leonardo da Vinci recorded his work in drawings, graphs, diagrams, notes. His notebooks alone are composed of 7000+ pages. Galileo did the same. He left an plethora of diagrams, maps, and drawings outlining his mathematical theories. 



Geniuses produce prolifically. Thomas Edison held 1,093 patents. He motivated  productivity by setting idea quotas. His personal target was one minor invention every 10 days and one major invention every six months. Mozart wrote more than six hundred pieces of music. Einstein published over 248 papers. Picasso produced about 13,500 paintings and designs, 100,000 prints and engravings, 34,000 book illustrations and 300 sculptures and ceramics. Picasso had a hand in every art movement of the century. Tesla held 278 patents in 26 countries. Shakespeare wrote 38 plays. Edgar Allen Poe is attributed to writing 69 short fiction and novels (but the number is not certain). Mozart over 600 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, operatic, and choral music. Bach wrote a cantata every week. Geniuses are prolific creators. Quantity - for the gems. 



Geniuses are open to new experiences. 



Geniuses embrace uncertainty. Because they are exploring new territory, they must have a high comfort level for things unknown. Entering uncharted terrain is what leads to new inventions and discoveries. Geniuses know that this is part of the process. They aren’t afraid of getting burnt. 





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